Recent Articles and Reviews
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It has been a busy summer! Recently I had a few articles and reviews published on Outdoor Specialty Media Group . I wanted to share all of them at the same time. Feel free to check them out at the links below.
The first article is one close to my heart. It is an article about my son and the luck he has had hunting with me. I loved writing this article.
Do you like stories about HUGE bucks. This next article is about a buddy of mine that kills a buck of a lifetime. The northwest Pennsylvania buck is so close to scoring 200 inches. Read about his success.
The next article is about a son who convinces his mother to hunt out of his stand in archery season. She is able to successfully harvest her first deer. Was it a doe or a buck? Click on the link to find out.
Stacy's First Hunt A Stunning Success
The boy who helped his mother kill her first deer had an amazing 2022 hunting season. He traveled to 3 states and successfully harvested 3 bucks. The past student of mine is still in disbelief with the season he had!
The first review is about a special broadhead company that has some amazing broadheads. Check out the review on Thorn Broadheads.
Darton Archery has be around for a LONG time. I really enjoy shooting their bows. In 2023 the introduced two flagship bows. Both bows are fantastic.