Head-Scratcher Gland Lure
In the summer of 2023 I decided to play mad scientists with the gland lure that I had available. If you have been following me for a while, you already know that I use Smokey's Deer Lures religiously. After looking at my available bottles of gland lures I decided to mix up a few of them to see what kind of a reaction I would get. I called Smokey and told him about my experiment and he said, "Keep me posted and let me know what you see!"
In late July I decided to go out and doctor some of my mock scrape vines and Buckstik products. It didn't take long before I started seeing great action at my scrapes. Buck after buck lined up to work the scrapes and even had a territorial response when they worked each mock scrape. I was fascinated by what I was seeing! My SpyPoint cameras were busy sending me amazing pictures and videos.
I had multiple late night conversations with Smokey about my concoction and he was impressed with the results. We talked at length about why the combination of gland lures worked so well. Bucks were still in velvet but the peeling would start soon and I was anxious to see if bucks reacted differently. I had a strong feeling the bucks would pick up their aggressiveness and keep hitting the scrapes. I was right!
After bucks peeled their velvet things ramped up to another level. There were bucks constantly hitting my scrapes and often times bucks were getting at each other with aggression. Head-Scratcher seemed to get them all worked up as they pawed the dirt and worked the licking branches. Bucks would work the vertical Buckstik violently and try to take ownership of the stick.
Head-Scratcher was becoming a huge success. Bucks loved working my vertical vines, licking branches, hanging ropes, and any of the Buckstik products that I put it on. I had tons of pictures and videos of bucks loving the new gland lure. A few of the bucks even made the "Shooter List". Every three weeks I would sneak in and apply more Head-Scratcher to my scrapes and the activity would continue. I was riding a high wave of optimism as the season began to creep closer.
Plenty of bucks worked the Head-Scratcher lure and as the competition between the bucks raged on, one buck taunted my daily. The 8-point worked my scrapes over violently and even snapped one of my Buckstiks. The 8-point became my target buck. I had more video and pictures of this buck on my property than any other deer. I was pumped to hunt him when the season started.
The archery season was starting to heat up and the scrapes were still fire. I was able to pattern the 8-point from his bedroom to the Killer Food Plot oats I planted in my new plots. On the morning of October 23rd I killed my target buck over a decoy in the fall plot. The buck walked up the main trail, found the Smokey's Doe Interdigital Plus and walked to the decoy. The shot was true and the buck crashed sixty yards from the stand. I couldn't believe it.
My Pennsylvania tag was filled but that didn't stop me from keeping up with my scrapes. As the rut inched closer new bucks came to the property to work the scrapes. My son hunted over the scrapes and passed on multiple bucks that came to work the scrapes during the daylight hours. The endless trail of bucks never seemed to stop. One buck came to the Buckvine and decided to tear up a tree, make a scrape and lay down in it to rest. You have to see how violently he works over the tree.
After the season ended I met with Smokey to see if he would manufacture the gland lure concoction for me. He was happy to do so and he even improved the formula. The new Head-Scratcher Gland Lure is a combination of the glands on a deer's head. They work wonderfully together. One of the best features of this new lure is the thickness. Smokey made Head-Scratcher a thicker consistency so it will adhere to licking branches, ropes, vines, and other products. This means that you have to use less when creating your scrapes.
Bottles of Head-Scratcher have been flying all over the United States. Currently, customers in New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas and other states have Head-Scratcher working for them. The videos, pictures, and reviews arrive daily with amazing results. If you are interested in getting a bottle of Head-Scratcher for yourself, check out the link below to order.
Fresh Field Recipe of the Month
If you love peanut butter cups, check this recipe out.